Membership in the WNY Lodge of Research is by affiliation only. We do not accept candidates or confer Degrees. If you want to become a Freemason, we recommend visiting BeAFreeMason.Org or DIscoverMasonry.Com (New York State).
If you are a Freemason under the Grand Lodge of New York …
We will read your petition at our May or Autumn Communication and will be balloted upon at the subsequent Communication.
If you are a Freemason OUTSIDE the Grand Lodge of New York …
Upon receipt of your petition, we will ask our Grand Secretary to contact the Grand Secretary of your jurisdiction. Once your good standing is confirmed, we will read your petition at our May or Autumn Communication to be balloted upon at the subsequent Communication.
If you are a Freemason in good standing with a Lodge under the Grand Lodge of New York or any jurisdiction recognized by such, download the petition from this page, and mail it with a check payable to:
Western New York Lodge of Research
2379 Union Rd
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
NOTE: Our online payment processing through our membership system has an issue but will be available for yearly dues in 2024. We apologize for the inconvenience.